Friday, January 5, 2018

Zelda (Smoke and Mirrors Lillith)

I hope everyone on the East Coast who was affected by this storm is doing okay.  I was one of those people.  The accumulation was okay, but it was the wind that wreaked havoc.  I was supposed to work today, but the power was out at the mall, so I spent the day stalking the mall's Facebook page and their tenant line.  Definitely got off better than some places, especially if you are right on the water.

This doll is one of the best of last year, and I think my personal fave Twins release ever.  I know that's kind of sacrilege against the more popular Twins releases like Style Mantra, but I utterly adore everything about this doll.  Her hair, her screening, her lip color.  She is everything to me.

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