Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Face Off 07x12 - Off With Their Heads


Last week - Drew won and Rachel went home.

This week, we immediately jump into the foundation challenge.  The lab is all decorated with Grecian columns, and they have to create a victim of Medusa who has been, or is currently being, turned to stone.  The judge for the foundation challenge is multi-Oscar winning makeup artist Michele Burke.  She's worked on lots of movies, but the notable one (for me) is The Cell.  There were some WICKED makeups in that movie, and it's one of my faves.  It's also one of McKenzie and Dina's fave movies.  They have good taste.  The winner will get their own spray booth.  It's the kind of thing that prevents you from inhaling toxic fumes, which is awesome.  Unless you're purposely trying to inhale the fumes.  It's the kind of thing indie artists don't have, so they're all properly excited.

The top looks for the foundation challenge are Stella and George.  I liked some of the other ones better than George's, but Stella's was great, and she gets the spray booth.  Yay for no more carcinogens!  We don't waste any time in getting to the spotlight challenge.  Turns out they each get to choose a Greek God to create, altering their appearance so it represents their powers, or the things that they were in control of.  The Greek pantheon was very much into multi-tasking, so there's lots to work with in terms of concept.  Stella gets to go first since she won the foundation challenge, and she picks Poseidon.  George groans.  He must have wanted that one.  Drew picks Poseidon, Dina chooses Aphrodite, Cig picks Apollo, George goes for Zeus, and Sasha chooses Athena. She's a tad worried, since she doesn't know much about Greek mythology.

They also have to add something extra to their makeup - a severed head of a creature that the god has defeated.  So, that's essentially two makeups.  Drew wants to make Hades look very shrunken and leathery, and his severed head is going to be some sort of demonic creature.  George decides to go more minimal and do silicone for the face, giving the model Mediterranean features.  Cig wants to have fire brought into Apollo's armor, since he's the god of the sun.  Stella is doing kind of a seahorse sort of look, since Poseidon did create horses.  Dina's going for the seashell aspect, since Aphrodite was born from seafoam.  Everyone's really getting into the clay... except Sasha.  She's just completely lost, and winds up with a lame concept because she just can't think of anything else.  She literally just chooses to go with the foundation challenge as a theme, where Athena was turned to stone.  (She's a god... that would never happen).  It's a VERY weak concept, and Sasha knows it.  She's in big trouble already.  Mr. Westmore warns her that the Medusa head needs to look like it has life in it.

Cig also runs into some issues with the fact that his flame armor resembles the shapes of the alien he made for the Ancient Aliens episode.  He doesn't want to do two similar makeups, so he winds up changing it into that the fire is kind of part of Apollo's face, and it's very asymmetrical.  He knows he's gotta work fast to catch up, but he's already feeling much better about this direction.

On Day 2, everyone's worried about time management because of the severed head.  Stella has mold problems for the second week in a row.  This time, the mold has dried fine, but she forgot to put pry points into the mold.  D'oh.  But, the mold faeries are on her side again, because it comes out not cracked, and just perfectly fine.  Sasha gets the idea to make a helmet for Athena.  It turns out pretty cool, but I'm still really worried for her.  Everyone is also pre-painting on Day 2, which is really rare, but as Dina points out, this challenge calls for it.  You can't have no paint on your severed head AND no paint on your model for application day.

Application day!  Drew makes some stringy tendon bits to hang out from his severed head by pouring gelatin in cold water.  It's a cool trick.  Sasha's is looking pretty bad when you get a flash of the painting.  George does not want to be in the bottom again, so she's blending down the edges on his silicone piece as much as possible.  Stella realizes she oversculpted, so she has to trim away at the face piece so it doesn't cover all the work on the cowl.  It creates big edges that she has to mess with.  While she's doing that, her model Matt is just sitting there like "dee doo doo dee doo".  I wonder what's going through their heads when they just have to sit there.  I'd like to see a web special focusing on the models, and see a bit of the show from their points of view.

Dina's is looking omggggg.  I can't wait to see it finished.  Cig also always likes to paint black as a base coat when he uses metallic paint.  As time runs out, George has this 'oh shit' look on his face as he realizes that he didn't get enough done going into Last Looks, and he's about 3 hours behind where he should be.  In last looks, he tries to pull things together.  He's not happy with the facial hair, but has to move on.  Sasha's got helmet trouble, and after the hair work and prosthetics are on, her helmet is too small, so she can't use it.  Nothing is going her way this week.

On the reveal stage, Scott Wilson is the guest judge - last seen with his head rolling around after the Governor cut it off on The Walking Dead.  So, here's what we wound up with as the final products:

Cig's Apollo with plague demon severed head:

There are things I really dig about this makeup, but there are other things that kind of bug me about it.  The concept and the head piece are really cool, but the edges on the face distract me.  I definitely don't like it as much as the judges, but it's still a solid piece.  I'm very conflicted.

George's Zeus with titan severed head:

A really solid face buried under too much hair and weird armor.  The judges point out that he should have just used the model's body, which is correct.  Greek gods sure had no problem showing off their bodies.  Especially Zeus the horndog god.  I LOVE the nose.  It's like an old Grecian bust or Roman coin.

Sasha's Athena with Medusa severed head:

Sigh.  It was just doomed from the start.  I burst out laughing though when Neville said that the Medusa head looked like an anime sex doll.  And it does, and I'll never be able to unsee that again.  Her face is all bumbly and scruffled, and it looks more like gravel chicken pox than stone.

Dina's Aphrodite with angler fish severed head:

Sooooooooooo beautiful, omg!  I think this is one of my fave makeups of the whole season.  Even the angler fish head is gorgeous in its paint job and awesome teeth.  I could stare at this one for hours.

Drew's Hades with demon severed head:

I dig this one.  I actually would have put it ahead of Cig's.  There's something very Middle Earth about it, and the crown is very regal.

Stella's Poseidon with octopus severed head:

The profile on this thing is SICK.  The octopus head looks very monotone, and Lois thinks it looks like a potato (it's kinda true).  I love the iridescent colors on the scales and going up into the 'mohawk' part.  The head on the trident is also the most organic way to utilize the severed head out of any of the makeups.

So, looks like Cig and Dina are the top looks, and George and Sasha are the bottom.  I'm still conflicted about Cig's.  I really do like it, but up close, I think some of the edge painting looks weird, so I maybe would have put Drew or Stella ahead of him, though Cig's severed head is the best of the three.  I agree with the bottom two, though Sasha is actually kind of in a class of her own of crappiness.  She at least agrees that it's unacceptable, though.  It's good when they know that they've messed up.  When you try to defend an obviously shitty makeup on stage, it just makes you look like a douche.

So, I picked Dina to win, and she does.  In fact, they say that hers is the only top look, and she was head and shoulders above everyone else.  Yay Dina!!!!!!

I picked Sasha to go home, and she does.  I really like George, and think he's really funny comic relief on the show, so I hope he can pull it together after three shitty weeks in a row.

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