Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Face Off 07x14 - Creature Carnage


So, we're down to the Final Four.  They head to DC Studios, and wander through all kinds of different sets until they come across McKenzie in a courthouse set.  There are newspapers beside her talking about giant creatures that have destroyed cities.  So, they basically have to make a Gozilla kind of monster to stomp onto world landmarks.  Cig is so excited that he's about to explode.

Dina chooses "Mantis Preys On Paris", Cig chooses "Yeti Crab Crushes Kremlin", George chooses "Deadly Squid Destroys Dubai", and Drew picks last and goes for "Giant Sloth Slashes Shanghai".  I actually would have gone for the one that nobody chose - "Taj Terrorized By Pterodactyl".  I also love on the Pterodactyl one that the sub-heading is "Is The T-Rex next?"

Clifton Collins Jr. is the special guest, and he'll be on the reveal stage. He's been in all kinds of big monster things, like Pacific Rim.  So, all the contestants are pretty jazzed, but they're also a bit worried since making a big monster is a big amount of work.  The drawing for George's Giant Squid is really cool -we'll see if it works out.  Cig decides to go for a Yeti/Crab hybrid, rather than do a giant Yeti Crab (which is an actual kind of crab that's white and has hair protrusions on its legs).

Mr. Westmore and McKenzie come in, Mr. Westmore warns George about a tan makeup color going too muddy.  They're digging the way that Dina's direction is going.  He advises Drew to score out the neck area (which is really thick to change the head shape.  And then there's Cig - Mr. Westmore's not really digging how ape it is, and wants to see more crab.

On Day 2, George's chest piece with the beak/mouth didn't cook all the way through, so the foam is still pretty doughy,  He has to make another one out of polyfoam.  Dina's going through her checklist of all the stuff she has to make, and it's long.  Cig starts working on the creature suit, and uses couch foam to make the hump for the back, and then uses L-200 foam to layer pieces for the crab carapace look.  Dina's now working on her long Mantis pincers, and pipes some spikes on with a makeshift piping bag, and Drew is being careful with his mold, and is giving himself lots of time since he's not a really fast molder.  Drew also has to lay hair on his sloth hands.

As George is building his creature suit for the Giant Squid, he knows he's in over his head.  He really doesn't like the way it's turning out, and he's kind of feeling sick to his stomach, and that's a bad place to be in when one of you is going home.  He just has this kind of look of disgust on his face as Cig walks past.  So, he just decides to go ahead and paint it to see if he can make it better.  His paint *is* actually making it look better.  It was kind of hard to make it worse, though.

Drew doesn't have enough time to lay hair on the other sloth glove, so he decides to make a burn makeup on his character, making it a battle injury as the city is fighting against him.  But he's worried about it being silly because sloths don't exactly inspire fear.  Back at the house, they're all exhausted, and none of them are feeling in a good place about how much work they have left to do.

Application day!  George's foam came out nice, but Drew has really shitty foam.  It's got microbubbles, which kind of looks like acne scarring all over the thing.  Everyone in the lab, including George and his model, are laughing as he's trying to get in the suit. There's a hilarious shot of Matt, George's model, reading the Giant Squid newspaper, and apparently the article says that he was brought in for questioning and Matt's like "What?  I'm 3000 feet tall!!"  There's also a shot of the Mantis reading the paper, too.

Cig is working on the face, and the paint looks wicked.  Dina uses mesh to paint her eyes to give it the compound eye factor.  Drew is also not pleased with the hair on the glove, and decides to do the burn makeup on both hands because the hair work looked bad, and he doesn't want Lois to bitch him out again.  In Last Looks, Cig is also having to do the 'creature suit dance' with his model.

Okay, so for the final product we have:

Dina's Mantis:

By far the best of the bunch.  Everything is done perfectly.

Cig's Yeti Crab:

I didn't notice it until it was pointed out by the judges, but it looks very Samurai, which harkens back to the Japanese monster movies.  It's definitely good enough to get him to the finale.

George's Giant Squid:

The head is really cool, and so is the blue paint on it, but the body looks like a stuffed animal.

Drew's Giant Sloth:

The face is TOTALLY perfect as a sloth.  The burn makeup is REALLY sloppy, though.

Dina was the obvious winner.  I don't even think there was really any guessing.  She does win the challenge, and moves onto the finale.  Cig also moves on, which isn't surprising.  George and Drew both have good things and bad things about their makeups, so it was really a coin toss.  I said that Drew would get in, and my mom said that George would get in, and it's Drew!  Never guess against someone who's seen all the episodes multiple, multiple times.  (Yes, I know that that makes me sound like a giant loser - which is a correct assumption).

So, George goes home, and when Dina, Cig, and Drew come back out to the reveal stage, Clifton Collins Jr. is gone, and everything has completely changed.  Yellow lights!  Suits of armor!  McKenzie teasing about a lot of surprises that she has for them!  And it ends!  This is pretty much as close to a cliffhanger as this show gets.

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