Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gracepoint 01.04


We start off with the phone number found in Danny's jacket belonging to Ivan Pearson.  As Carver is going on about not talking to the press at all, Chloe stops by the police station to talk to Ellie about her boyfriend and the drugs.  She doesn't want this to ruin his life because Dean's trying to get his GED and go to college.

Beth doesn't confront Mark about what she saw at the Inn, but rather makes some passive-aggressive comment about him setting his mom up at the Inn.  She then goes for a run.  Mark doesn't know Ivan, and wants to know if he's a suspect (yeah, tell the hothead who the suspects are...).  Rhinehold knows Ivan - he was the hiker.

Carver also goes to see Creepy Dog Lady to give back the keys, and she still makes herself look more and more guilty with evading questions.  Ellie and Carver then go to question Dean, and Carver asks if she's optimistic because the two leads are about people who don't live in Gracepoint (implying that she's desperate to find out that it was an outsider), but she points out that Dean grew up in Gracepoint.  When they get to the marina, Carver bitches about the ocean, and then Dean stupidly runs.  While they're chasing him, Carver has an episode.  Ellie tries to bring it up later, but of course, Carver is not the friendly, sharing type.

Meanwhile, Beth goes to see the reverend, saying that she talked to Raymond the psychic.  Before she showed up, he was setting up Danny's picture on a graph mat, most likely for the memorial, but he's kind of creepily intent on the image.  She wonders how it's different than him talking to God.  She really doesn't want to believe that Danny was killed by someone he knew, but that's the case in most murders.

After the commercials, Dean is being questioned about the cocaine, and if it had anything to do with the $500 they found.  Dean has no idea what they're talking about but gives up Mickey Felton as the guy he bought the drugs from.  Mickey says he wonders why they didn't get there sooner, because Danny was with Dean the day he bought the cocaine, and they were fighting.  So, Dean is now moving his way up the suspect list.

Creepy Dog Lady is being creepy around Vince, and they apparently know each other.  She tells him to come to dinner.  He wants nothing to do with her, but she insists they need to 'work it out'.

Raymond is approached by the Rev Paul, and Mr. Holy Roller gets all up in Raymond's face about staying away from Beth, and about how he's preying on a grieving family, and that if they need 'spiritual' guidance, they have him.  Raymond's much calmer than I would have been in that situation, and says that he's glad the Solanos have him, since he knows that the Rev and Beth used to be really close.  Oh snap.  It just seems to dig deeper because of how gently Raymond says it to him.

Dean is being questioned, and he said that he hung out with Danny sometimes because he was really lonely, and just wanted someone to hang out with.  He said that Danny once told him that nobody really knew him, knew what he thought.  Ellie points out that her son Tom was Danny's best friend, but Dean says that he never saw them together.  The day that he bought the cocaine, Dean saw Danny on the side of the road and picked him up, saying it wasn't cool that he was just walking out of town.  So he put him on the back of the bike.  He also says that the argument was about Danny stealing a crossword book and pen from the gas station when Dean filled up.

Beth is waiting for Ellie after the questioning, freaking out about if they were talking to Ivan, because she knows him.  She hates that they're not being told anything.  She says that she met Ivan at the visitor's center.  He asked about campgrounds and hunting permits.  While there, he also noticed Beth's pictures of Chloe and Danny on her desk, and said that she had a 'beautiful' family.  As if Ellie didn't have more on her plate, Owen comes to her about his mother (who is either Ellie's sister or Joe's), and that she cleaned him out financially, and hasn't been to her center in weeks.

Mark is furious about seeing the photo of Danny at the church, since he's not into God at all.  Beth says that Paul is just trying to help, and that if Mark's so against it, he should talk to Paul.  He says he wants nothing to do with the Rev, and Beth kicks him out so she can get changed, the chasm widening between the couple.  Meanwhile, in more creepy picture fondling, Paul is sitting in his room at the church, looking at a picture of him and Beth at a graduation.

Dean's let go, and Mark sees Chloe and him kissing.  She hasn't told him about them, so he's surprised.  Carver's pissed that they still can't get a search warrant for Ivan Pearson's property.  He storms out like a child, and the captain has to call him back by first and last name, just like a child again.  But, he points out that Ivan Pearson was on an anti-psychotic drug, so now the ever shifting suspect list has a new number one.

Tom, Ellie's son, goes to see Vince so he can get his skateboard fixed.  Vince starts asking all kinds of questions about the investigation, but Tom doesn't know anything (not about the investigation at least...), since he hardly ever sees his mom now. Vince asks if his mom knows that he's there. Tom says no, and Vince shuts the door to his workshop.

At the inn, Carver's looking mopey as he stares at "Julianne's Cell".  Gemma tries to have a conversation with him, but it's pretty one-sided.  She wants him to know that she's a decent person, even with what happened with Mark Solano.  Carver is just like '...okay'.  He soooo doesn't care about other people.

Tom's safe and sound at home, so it's a mystery what happened between him and Vince.  Ellie is worried about Tom and how distant he is, and she blames herself.  While Ellie gets him some ice cream, and talks to Joe about inviting Carver over for dinner, Tom goes over to Ellie's satchel, and starts searching through it.  He sees the cell phone number, and memorizes it.  He then goes and looks it up on the internet to get the address of where the number was located.

At the Solano house, Ellie and Carver show them the video of Danny stealing.  Beth won't believe it, and then everything hits the fan.  Mark points out that the guy in the video is Chloe's boyfriend, and Beth loses it about her dating a drug dealer.  They start shouting over each other, and Chloe storms off.  Mark gets pissed at the police and goes after her.  Beth is pretty distraught, but she got what she wanted, and that's the exact expression on Carver's face.

Mark goes to talk to Chloe even though she doesn't want to talk to him.  He asks if she's having sex, and she says yes.  But, she snots that she's using condoms, unlike her parents did, and that he's kind of hypocritical about getting mad about a 17 year old dating a 15 year old.  She also gets angry about her dad screwing Gemma at the inn, and that she probably cleaned the sheets afterwards.

Ellie is angry at Carver and asks if he's happy.  He says he's never happy (REALLY?!  His character never shows that.  Ever.  He's the picture of jolliness).  He says that the family got exactly what they wanted, and maybe the image of Danny needed to be shattered.  He wants to turn over every stone to find Danny's killer, and ask if that's Ellie's goal, too.  She gets all indignant, and then invites him to dinner with the most curt invite ever.

Renee shows up at Owen's house with a bottle of booze.  They talk about having problems (him with his mother), and her about leaving Gracepoint because nobody really wants her around.  Owen apparently does though, because she comes in so they can drown their sorrows together.

Creepy Dog Lady is left sitting in her trailer alone because Vince never showed up.

Mark tries to make peace with Beth and apologizes for not telling her about Chloe.  Beth feels like a fool because she spends every moment devoting herself to her family, but she doesn't know them at all.  She didn't know Danny, she doesn't know Chloe, and while she doesn't say it, she doesn't know Mark.  She makes him promise that there's nothing else that she doesn't know, but he doesn't answer right away.

We're then taken to a shot of the ocean at night, and a light in the distance.  It's a boat on fire.  Hmmm.

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