Sunday, October 5, 2014

Halloween Horror Movie Marathon - Week One

So, instead of posting every day, I'm going to post every Sunday with each title that I watched.  Honestly, I don't know if I'll have time to watch anything around the 29th to the 31st because of Integrity's convention, but I'll try.

October 1st:
Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon
This was a very cute movie in concept.  You don't hear cute describing a horror flick very often, but I liked the idea of a documentary style set-up of a college reporter following around an up-and-coming supernatural predator.  Jason, Freddie, and Michael Myers are mentioned, and it's talked about how they take these local ghost stories and build upon it to make themselves a legend.  Leslie shows how he picks out victims and sets up what's going to happen, and all the planning that goes into it.  I won't reveal the twist, but it's definitely a format I've never seen before in a horror movie, and it was a breath of fresh air.  Leslie is very charming, and there's lots of fun inside jokes about horror stuff in movies (like having to do lots of cardio because you have to chase someone who's running for their life without getting winded, and looking like you're walking).  Please check it out.

October 2nd:
XII is fairly standard horror flick fare.  It's about a baby killer who was put away in prison and given prison justice (IE - had his face removed), and he's back for revenge against the 12 men and women on the jury who put him there.  It's pretty forgettable, but I didn't outright hate it.

October 3rd:
This is a movie that stars the one brother from Heroes (Milo Veramatigalamaladingdong).  He goes to this forensic pathology (re - coroner) med school.  The 'in' clique meets every week to try and pull off the best murder that cannot be found in an ME report.  I liked it better than XII, but it still wasn't incredibly memorable.  I do give it points for being set in a morgue, though.  That's always a pleasure button for me in horror movies.

October 4th:
Wolf Creek
This is an Aussie horror flick that was 'based on real events'.  I put that in quotes because the real events and the events in the movie are tied together loosely at best.  It's very slow to start out, but I found the last half of the movie went by pretty quickly.  It's a group of two Brit tourist girls and an Aussie guy that are taking a road trip through the outback, and stop at the Wolfe Creek Crater, where a meteorite hit.  It's the second largest crater on earth, only behind the one in Arizona.  Their watches all die and their car dies (magnetic fields left in the ground?), so they get picked up by the friendly stranger/serial maniac.  I read that there was uproar when this was released because of the depiction of violence, especially against women, but I didn't think there was anything that I hadn't seen before in this.  I guess a new bar has been set by things like Hostel, Human Centipede, etc etc.  Yes, of course the crimes are horrible when you think about them, but I've seen the same stuff depicted WAY more graphically.

October 5th:
All Hallow's Eve
Yucky clown.  I think that was the only thing memorable about this one.  It's about a babysitter with two kids after trick or treating, and one of them gets a VHS tape in their bag of candy.  Turns out to seem like a pretty bad, but harmless, horror flick at first, but the situations get weirder and weirder, and it turns out that if you watch the flick, the clown enters your life, or you enter the VHS tape or whatever.  I didn't really care enough to make the distinction.  Yucky clown.  Just gotta say that again.

I'll be back with the continuation of this list next Sunday!

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