We left Gotham with Oswald blowing the whole secret thing about him being dead. And Harvey blowing the whole conspiracy thing. Penguin's walking down the street like he owns the place (which he kind of does right now), and it's kind of hilarious when we hear Fish voice-overing in an almost cartoony manner about him being still alive. She sends Butch to go get Gordon and bring him back, still breathing.
Harvey is on the fence about letting Gordon live or not. He pulls a gun on him in the precinct, because that's what cops in Gotham do, but Gordon gets the upper-hand. He wants Harvey to help him, but Harvey's too scared, and too used to the way things are under Falcone, that he doesn't really seem jazzed about that idea.
Gordon shows up at his place to find Butch and a red shirt Cronie threatening Barbara. Gordon talks them down, but when Butch threatens to kill Barbara 'nice and slow', Gordon shoots the red shirt (whose shirt is now *literally* red), and knocks Butch out. He takes Barbara to the bus station, and tells her to leave and that he'll come in a couple of days after her. She wants to stay because she loves him, and wonders what's going to happen if he doesn't join her. He says never to come back to Gotham, and sadly bids farewell to Barbara. So, who's Montoya going to stalk now?
When Gordon goes back to the precinct, they all stop and stare like he's got three heads. He asks for some blank warrants signed by a judge (Oh, Gotham, you rascal...)
Falcone is more concerned with chickens than with killing Gordon, Bullock, and Penguin. Because of the fact that he's all happy-go-chicken, Fish is really concerned that it means that Falcone knows something that nobody else knows. Niko thinks that it's Fish's girl, but Fish points out that all the mole-ette does is cook and clean, and he likes watching her do chores. That's a very specific fetish. Instead of Fish bringing Gordon in, Falcone wants to send Victor. Victor... as in Victor Zsasz???
YES. It IS Zsasz!!! I know this is more shoehorning, but I don't care. He looks perfect. He's all nice about wanting Gordon to come, in his psychotic way. Gordon says he won't come, and that threats won't work in a station full of cops. Too bad they're Gotham cops. They all leave with the most threatening 'please' I've heard in a while. Zsasz and his lady gimps start shooting up the station, and Gordon takes a couple shots in the torso. WHY wasn't he wearing a bulletproof vest? He knows that it's crazy for him to still be in town. Stupid Gordon is stupid.
Zsasz and his Angels start chasing Gordon through the parking garage, and a uniform cop winds up getting her knees shot out, which gives Gordon a slight chance to get away, since Zsasz is following the obviously huge blood trail that Gordon's leaving behind. Gordon tries to run when they're distracted, but Zsasz hits him again. Then a car comes peeling in. I was really hoping that it was going to be Bullock, but it's Montoya and his partner (yeah, he's still just Montoya's partner to me. Get a personality, dude). They drive away with Gordon, and Zsasz kills the uniformed cop. He then rolls up his sleeve and marks her off Number 28. I got a little chill of glee when I saw the hash marks. He's pretty perfect as Zsasz. The casting department does it again.
Gordon wakes up in a mystery 'hospital'. The doctor is a friend of Montoya and Allen. ALLEN! That's Mr. No Personality! He's in the dissection lab at the University. Crispus Allen. God, I didn't even pinpoint that. I'm a bad, bad Gotham Central fan! He wants to leave immediately, and no amount of protest is going to stop him.
In the meantime, Fish is visiting Maroni, and asking to get Penguin back so he can die. Maroni brings Penguin out. Fish feels disrespected, and Maroni gets Penguin to apologize in a hilarious scene, like Oswald is a kid who broke a window while playing baseball. He calls Mooney 'Fish', and she gets pissed because only her friends call her that. She storms off in a huff, and Maroni giggles to himself. Baggy Eyes (Maroni's Cronie #1) is giving Oswald a glare of death, however.
Fish then sends Butch out to kidnap a group of nuns. I'm not sure what a group of nuns is supposed to be called. A mary of nuns? A rosary? A gaggle? Anyway, the poor Sisters get kidnapped, and are chained across a bridge. One of Maroni's 'moving' trucks has to stop, and barely misses hitting them. Turns out they were moving guns, and Butch says that no truck gets across the bridge until Maroni gives up Penguin. The drivers are okay with that. Butch wants to hurt them, but they say that they'll make sure that Maroni gets the picture and that it's serious. Butch still shoots them in the leg, and it pisses Maroni off. Oswald engraciates himself as a snivelly wiener, but when Maroni wants to hit Falcone back, he knows the perfect place, and a sly little smile plays on his lips as he has a stare down with Baggy Eyes.
Gordon takes Montoya and Allen to Bruce's manor. Allen totally gets jumped by a badass Alfred. I love that they're playing up his soldier aspects. He tells Bruce that he might not be able to finish the search for his parents' killer. Bruce gets mad that Gordon won't explain and yells at him not to treat him as a child. Gordon tells him that Montoya and Allen are up to speed and will take over the case if he can't, and that they're good detectives. Bruce knows that Gordon thinks he's going to die, and gives him a hug. Enjoy it, Gordon. Bruce forgets how to hug when he's an adult.
Oswald's idea is to hit Niko's place. Maroni's guys, led by Baggy Eyes, shoot up the joint and kill Niko and all of his men. Man, that will hit Fish where it hurts. Baggy Eyes and Oswald get into a disagreement, since he doesn't see Penguin as an asset, but a yellow snitch. Turns out that Oswald knows Baggy Eyes' weakness - money. He's a cheapskate, and doesn't pay his men. So they grab him while Penguin stabs him to death.
So, after this, Falcone and Maroni meet with Oswald and Fish glaring at each other on the sidelines. Falcone and Maroni fake-love each other, and Falcone says that Maroni can keep Oswald unharmed, if they get something in return. Falcone wants a warehouse on the river, but that's a bit too steep for Maroni. Oswald whispers that he should get Indian Hill, which is a toxic dump in Arkham on top of a Native burial ground. Prime real estate right there. Falcone takes it, more as a gesture than anything, saying nothing is worthless.
Gordon is arming up in his apartment, figuring correctly that they won't look for him there since they'd dismiss it as too obvious. Harvey shows up with a lady of the evening friend, drunk off his ass. He says he may as well side with Gordon since he's a dead man anyway, so they're going through with the plan to arrest Falcone and the Mayor. After commercials, Gordon and Bullock ride right into Falcone's compound in the Mayor's towncar, and issue a warrant. Gordon's on a moral high, but Falcone points out that he has Barbara. She came back into town to beg for Gordon's life, and now she's under Victor's thumb.
It's true, because she's in the kitchen with mole-ette and Victor, and OMG VICTOR'S RINGTONE IS FUNKY TOWN!!!! Falcone has a standoff with Gordon, saying that since Gordon believed him about Barbara, there's hope for him. Zsasz is pissed that he doesn't get to make more notches, but Falcone lets them go. Barbara tearfully apologizes, but Gordon limps across the room and kisses her.
Falcone is enjoying muffins with mole-ette, and decides to go check on the chickens. Oswald shows up, and they embrace as friends. We're given a flashback to when Gordon and Bullock were chained up in the slaughterhouse. Falcone goes to meet the snitch (IE: Oswald), and Oswald shimmies his way into Falcone's world by asking if Gordon can be the man who kills him, since he knows that Gordon has a conscience and will spare his life. In return, he'll tell a big secret. Falcone agrees, and Oswald dishes about Nikolai and Fish fucking around, and that they want to oust Falcone. Gordon is also spared today because Oswald asked it as a favor. He promised to be indentured to Falcone for sparing his life, but you know what... I doubt that will last. I'm pretty sure Falcone is going to regret trusting Penguin in the future.
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