Sunday, November 5, 2017

Shae (Sweet Dreams Nadja)

What an awesome giveaway doll for convention!  They did a really neat Sleeping Beauty set with Nadja.  I don't do doubles, so I have plans for the second doll that came in the set to differentiate the two of them (like painting her eyes, changing her hair, etc).  But this one will stay as-is, since she's drop-dead gorgeous.  She makes me a little less sad that I was put on the Waiting List at my dealer for the upcoming Vanity & Glamour Nadja.  I'm really loving pretty much every incarnation of Nadja 2.0 though, so I'll probably still want her once she starts shipping.

1 comment:

  1. Actually Shae if you think about it the cost of registration +this giftset we paid for this. I agree though what an awesome giftset and surprise.
