Friday, July 7, 2017

Evelyn (Glittering Gala Evelyn)!

Taking a break from The Industry today to show off another new doll I got - Glittering Gala Evelyn from the East 59th line.  I split her with a friend since vintage fashions aren't my thing, but the doll is sooooo gorgeous.  And even if I'm not that into vintage, the clothes were very nicely made and lovely, so I hope my friend gets lots of enjoyment out of them.
My Evelyn will be more modern, and right now she's got a jones for Harry Potter (as do I - the 20th anniversary of the release of The Philosopher's Stone novel happened recently and we had a bunch of events at work for it, so I decided to reread the books).

1 comment:

  1. I like these ladies but I feel like they need the CI bodies. I'm waiting for someone to make that change to see if I like it :O)
