Sunday, March 26, 2017

Anja (In Sequins Anja)


I know I haven't updated in a while, and I really apologize to those few but mighty who read this blog.  I get SUPER down on myself all the time, and very defeatist about things.  I always think "why bother posting 'x', since people don't want to read that?"  or "this other blog does news so much better, so I won't bother." or "my opinion doesn't matter".  That last one... I think that all the time.  I gotta learn to think my own opinion and happiness is valid.

So, as well as dolls, you might start seeing more posts about other things - in particular, book reviews.  I work at a bookstore, and have been a passionate reader my entire life.  It's as important to me as dolls.

Anyway, here's some shots of In Sequins Anja.  She was a sales room doll back at... Premiere Convention, I want to say.  Speaking of conventions... well, maybe tomorrow....

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